Virus and Spyware Removal Guides, uninstall instructions

DealBrowsing Toolbar

What is DealBrowsing?

DealBrowsing is a browser extension and desktop app developed by Visicom Media Inc. It promises to deliver relevant coupon ads to Internet users who visit online shopping websites.

Whilst this browser add-on and desktop app is not malicious, many computer users refer to it as the 'DealBrowsing virus' or adware - an association made since DealBrowsing may install on users' computers along with free software downloaded from the Internet.

This software marketing method is called 'bundling' and is used by many popular download websites in order to monetize their free software services.

Decrypt Protect Virus

What is Decrypt Protect?

The Decrypt Protect message blocks users' computer screens demanding payment of a $300 fine (using MoneyPak, Ukash or PaySafeCard) in order to regain access to the computer. This is a scam, a ransomware virus that has no connection with legiimate authorities or organizations.

This deceptive message states that computer users are required pay a fine for alleged law violations including distribution of pornographic material, possession of unlicensed software, and possession of video or audio files. This is a scam created by cyber criminals. This fake message exploits the names of MBL Advisory (Malware Block List) and USA Patriot ACT.

24/7 PC Guard Support

What is 24/7 PC Guard Support?

24/7 PC Guard Support is a bogus virus removal support service promoted using fake online security warning pop-ups. The rogue company responsible for this scam use a fake antivirus program called PC Guard in order to scare unsuspecting PC users into purchasing their rogue 24/7 PC Support services for $179.99.

Initially, this rogue program presents users with a fake online security warning message stating that the computer may have been infected with spyware or other high-risk malware. Internet users should be aware that these online security threats (indicating pop-ups) are false and used by a bogus support company in order to deceive computer users.

What is

Web Browser Search is a browser add on created by AOL Inc. This extension is compatible with Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla FireFox. It is a browser plug-in providing users with quick access to online services such as Web Tattoo, Tattoons, Incredible Screensavers, etc.

Whilst Web Browser Search is created by a legitimate company, many computer users report that was set as their default search engine and homepage (also applied to any new tabs) without their consent. Such unwilling Web Browser Search add-on installation may occur when using the aforementioned online services.

Internet users should be aware that many websites offering free screen-savers, smileys, browser skins, etc. (in this case, free web tattoo) use browser add-ons and toolbars to monetize incoming web traffic. In this way, they provide free services and earn revenue each time the Web Browser Search add-on is installed.

White Screen After Login (Virus)

What is White Screen After Login?

White screen after login is caused by faulty ransomware infections, which are unable to connect to their command server, and thus unable to download their deceptive messages with graphical interface. This problem can occur with Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8 users.

Note that the majority of ransomware viruses exploit the names of well-known authorities and organizations internationally.

The fake messages are delivered by cyber criminals and state that computer users must pay fines using MoneyPak, Ukash or PaySafeCard for alleged law violations such as watching child pornography, using pirated music, or video files, etc. Computer users who fall for this trickery and pay the bogus fines will be sending their money to cyber criminals.

Coupon Slider Adware

What is Coupon Slider?

The Coupon Slider browser add-on displays coupon ads when users visit online shopping websites such as Walmart, Best Buy, Walgreens, etc. This browser extension is created by 215 Apps (innovative Apps) and compatible with Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla FireFox.

Whilst it claims to save time and money when shopping online, and appears legitimate, in fact, this browser add-on causes diminished system performance and possible privacy issues.

Moreover, many Internet users complain that Coupon Slider appeared on their Internet browser even though they did not willingly install it. Unwilling installations of Coupon Slider are caused as a result of promotion via free software downloads.

DealDropDown Adware

What is DealDropDown?

DealDropDown (Deal Drop Down) is a browser extension created by 215 Apps (Innovative Apps) promising to display relevant coupon ads, thus saving time and money for users who visit online shopping websites. This browser add-on installs on Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla FireFox.

After installation, it displays coupon ads whenever Internet users visit online shopping websites such as Walmart, Amazon, Expedia, etc. On first inspection, this browser add-on may appear legitimate, however, many users report that it installed on their Internet browsers without their consent. Browser Hijacker

What is

The (ihola! or Hola Search) website is promoted using the Hola Search Toolbar.

This is a potentially unwanted browser add-on (compatible with Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla FireFox), which installs on users' computers together with free software and modifies the browser settings by changing the homepage and default search engine to

Many computer users report that the Hola Search toolbar was installed on their Internet browser/s without their consent when downloading free video codecs, download managers, or other freeware from the Internet.


Websearch+ - how to remove browser redirects to

What is Websearch+?

The Websearch+ ( website was created by Brand Thunder LLC and promoted using free browser themes (compatible with Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox, and Safari). This website uses the Bing search engine to return search results for entered search queries, and therefore, using this website should not cause computer security related issues. Whilst this website appears legitimate, many computer users report that they are redirected to this site unwillingly. This situation may occur if you do not pay close enough attention to the installation steps of free software (in this case, free browser themes). Internet users who choose to install Brand Thunder browser themes agree to change their Internet browser default search engine to Websearch+ (

System Protection (designed to protect)

What is System Protection?

System Protection is fake antivirus software which reports non existent security infections in order to coerce unsuspecting PC users into purchasing a license key. This is a scam created by cyber criminals, a rogue program and mere imitation of a legitimate security scanner.

None of the information displayed by this program should be trusted. System Protection infiltrates users' computers without their consent and attempts to deceive them into believing that their operating systems are infected with various malware, Trojans, and viruses.

To scare PC users into believing that their computers have serious security-related issues, this bogus program displays fake security scan results (supposedly having 'detected' various security threats), blocks execution of installed programs, disables the Task Manager, and modifies operating system registry entries in order to start the program automatically on each system start-up.


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