Virus and Spyware Removal Guides, uninstall instructions

Grupo de Delitos Telemáticos Virus

What is Grupo de Delitos Telemáticos?

The following message is a scam and should not be trusted: Grupo de Delitos Telemáticos and Dirección General de la Policia y de la Guardia Civil, "Atención! Su ordenador personal ha sido bloqueado por razones de seguridad vistos los motivos abajo detallados".

This message is not related to legitimate Spanish authorities from Spain, it is a ransomware virus created by cyber criminals. The main purpose of this scam is to trick unsuspecting PC users from Spain into paying a bogus 100 Euro fine using Ukash or PaySafeCard for alleged law violations (watching child pornography, downloading pirated music, video files, etc.)

Computer users should be aware that no authorities, internationally (including Grupo de Delitos Telemáticos, Dirección General de la Policia and Dirección General de la Guardia Civil), use screen-blocking messages to collect fines for any law violations. Paying this fine is equivalent to sending your money to cyber criminals.

Ministry of Public Safety Canada Virus

What is Ministry of Public Safety Canada?

The Ministry of Public Safety Canada and Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police message, "ATTENTION! Your computer has been blocked for safety reasons", is a scam and should not be trusted. This message is not sent by legitimate authorities from Canada, it is a ransomware virus created by cyber criminals.

The main goal of this deceptive message is to scare unsuspecting PC users into paying a bogus CAD $100 fine using Ukash. Cyber criminals responsible for developing the scam make various false accusations of law infringements (viewing/storage and/or dissemination of banned pornography, violation of 'Copyright and Related rights Law', etc.) in order to trick PC users into paying the bogus fine.

Note that paying CAD $100 as ordered by this message equivalent to sending your money to cyber criminals. This ransomware virus originates from a family of rogue screen-blocking messages called Urausy and targets PC users from Canada. There are, however, several variants of this scam, which target Internet users from different countries.

Mandiant U.S.A Cyber Security Virus

What is Mandiant U.S.A Cyber Security?

The Mandiant U.S.A Cyber Security (FBI. Department of Defense and U.S.A. Cyber Crime Center) message, "Your computer has been blocked up for safety reasons listed below", is a scam.

This message blocks computer screens and demands payment of a $300 fine using MoneyPak or MoneyGram for supposed law violations (dissemination of banned pornography, downloading pirated music, video, warez, bulk-spamming, etc.) This is a ransomware virus which should not be trusted.

Cybercrime Nederland Politie Virus

What is Cybercrime Nederland Politie?

This message blocks computer users' screens and is supposedly sent by Korps Landelijke Politiedienste (Openbaar Ministerie, CYBERCRIME POLITIE NEDERLAND).

This is a scam. The message is not sent by any authority from the Netherlands, it is a ransomware virus created by cyber criminals with the intention of tricking unsuspecting PC users into paying a bogus 100 Euro fine (using PaySafeCard or Ukash).

This screen-blocking message states that PC users must pay a fine for allegedly watching pornography or using copyrighted music, video, software files, etc. These claims are false and only made to intimidate computer users into paying a bogus fine.

BundesKriminalamt Virus

What is BundesKriminalamt?

The following message is a scam and should not be trusted: BundesKriminalamt (Gesellschaft zur Verfolgung von Urheberrechtsverletzungen (GVU), Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik), "Zugang von Ihrem persönlichen Computer wurde vorläufig aus den unten aufgleisten Gründen gesperrt".

This computer screen-blocking message is not sent by legitimate authorities from Germany, it is a ransomware virus created by cyber criminals.

The scam make false accusations of law violations (such as watching child pornography, distributing copyrighted content, etc.) in order to scare unsuspecting PC users into paying a bogus 100 Euro fine using PaySafeCard. Note that paying this fine is equivalent to sending your money to cyber criminals.

GARDA Virus - Your computer has been blocked

What is GARDA?

The GARDA (The Guardians of the Peace of Ireland and The National Crime Prevention unit) message, "Your computer has been blocked up for safety reasons listed below", blocks computer screens and demands payment of a 100 Euro fine using PaySafeCard or Ukash to unblock the PC. This is a scam.

The message makes fake accusations of law infringements (viewing/storage and/or dissemination of child pornography/zoophilia/rape, downloading of pirated music, videos, warez, etc.) in order to scare unsuspecting PC users from Ireland into paying the bogus fine.

Note that paying the fine when ordered by this message (screenshot below) is equivalent to sending your money to cyber criminals.

Search Deals Ads

What is Search Deals?

Search Deals is a browser add-on created by CloudCanvas Inc. When installed, this plugin displays coupon ads when users search the Internet using Google. Whilst such added functionality may seem legitimate, the Search Deals add-on is categorized as adware or a potentially unwanted program (PUP), since it installs on users' Internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla FireFox) together with free software downloaded from the Internet.

Moreover, it displays various unwanted ads and tracks users' Internet browsing habits. Many users report that they observe 'Search Deals Ads' when searching the Internet, even though they did not willingly install any browser add-ons.

Unwilling or inadvertent installation of Search Deals can be caused by various freeware 'installers' and 'download clients', which are employed by many developers of free software and free software download websites.

Polizja Biuro Służby Kryminalnej Virus

What is Policja (Polizja) Biuro Służby Kryminalnej?

The Polizja. Biuro Służby Kryminalnej message, "UWAGA! Pański osobisty komputer został zablokowany ze wzslędów bezpieczeństwa z wskazanych niżej przyczyn", blocks computer screens and demands payment of a 500 PLN fine for alleged law violations (including watching child pornography, distributing copyrighted content, etc.) This is a scam.

The message is not sent by legitimate authorities from Poland; it is created by cyber criminals in the hope that unsuspecting PC users will fall for their trickery and pay the bogus fine. Paying the 500 PLN fine using Ukash or PaySafeCard is equivalent to sending your money to cyber criminals.

PC users should be aware that no authorities, internationally, use screen-blocking messages to collect fines for any law violations - this is a well-known scam created by cyber criminals.

ACMA Virus

What is ACMA?

The following message blocks the computer screen and demands payment of a AUD $100 fine using Ukash for alleged law violations: Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), Australian Federal Police (AFP), Australian Crime Commission (ACC) and Royal Australian Corps of Military Police (RACMP), "Your computer has been blocked for safety reasons".

This is a scam, a ransomware infection created by cyber criminals whose main purpose is to trick unsuspecting PC users from Australia into paying the bogus fine.

The accusations of law infringements presented by this message (viewing/storage and/or dissemination of banned pornography, downloading pirated music, video, software, etc.) are false. Cyber criminals hope that PC users will believe the message and pay the bogus fine.

EUROPOL All files encrypted virus

What is EUROPOL All files encrypted?

The Internet browser (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox or Safari) message, which is supposedly delivered by EUROPOL (European Cybercrime Centre), stating that "All activities of this computer have been recorded. All your files are encrypted." is a scam. This message is not sent by Europol or EC3, it is a ransomware virus created by cyber criminals.

This deceptive message states that computer users must pay a £200 GBP fine using Ukash for alleged law violations (illegally using or distributing copyrighted content, such as video, music, or/and software, viewing or distributing prohibited pornographic content, violating the law, or neglectful use of your PC).

In fact, no legitimate authorities (including Europol) use Internet browser/computer screen-blocking messages to collect fines for any law violations.


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