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What is muchinspardorop[.]info?

Muchinspardorop[.]info is a rogue website, similar to and thousands of others. It operates by delivering unreliable content to users and generating redirects to various untrustworthy, even malicious webpages.

It should be mentioned, that few users ever visit this site intentionally; most visitors to muchinspardorop[.]info get redirected to it. Such redirects are caused by either invasive advertisements or by PUAs (potentially unwanted applications). These rogue applications do not need explicit user consent to invade their devices.

Once installed, they generate redirects, deliver intrusive ad campaigns and track browsing data.

shade8 Ransomware

What is shade8?

Like most ransomware-type programs, shade8 is designed to encrypt data and force victims to pay for decryption of their files. This malicious software is a part of Hidden Tear ransomware and was discovered by Pepper Potts.

Shade8 creates a ransom message within the "READ_THIS.txt" file, changes the wallpaper, and renames encrypted files by adding the ".shade8" extension to filenames. For example, "1.jpg" becomes "1.jpg.shade8".

ResultsValue Adware (Mac)

What is ResultsValue?

ResultsValue is a potentially unwanted application (PUA) that functions as adware. When installed, it displays unwanted advertisements. PUAs also collect information relating to users' browsing habits. People generally tricked into downloading and installing PUAs. Therefore, we recommend that you uninstall ResultsValue and other adware immediately.

Genius App Browser Hijacker

What is Genius App?

Genius App is a browser hijacker and a PUA (potentially unwanted application). As the former, it modifies browser settings and reassigns them to Due to most users installing this rogue application inadvertently, it is categorized as the latter. Furthermore, Genius App spies on users' browsing activity, thereby gathering their personal information. Pop-Up Scam (Mac)

What is "lp.speedyutils[.]live"?

lp.speedyutils[.]live is a scam site that promotes the MacEnizer application. It claims that the user's operating system might be infected. Note that these sites should never be trusted. The same extents to the software endorsed by them. Furthermore, apps advertised on scam websites are often rogue.

Most visitors to lp.performanceyutils[.]live access it unintentionally - they are redirected by intrusive advertisements or by PUAs (potentially unwanted applications). Note that PUAs do not need express user permission to infiltrate devices. POP-UP Scam (Mac)

What is lp.macsmart-cleanupc[.]club?

lp.macsmart-cleanupc[.]club is used to trick visitors into believing that their computers are infected with viruses. To remove them, they must supposedly download and install a potentially unwanted application (PUA) called Smart Mac Booster.

Do not install or use apps that are promoted through deceptive sites such as lp.macsmart-cleanupc[.]club. The best option is to simply ignore these web pages. If the browser opens them automatically, a PUA is probably installed. Redirect (Mac)

What is

Like and many others, is a fake search engine. Judging by design alone, it may seem similar to Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other legitimate search engines.

Therefore, it is easy to mistake it for a legitimate website. In fact, is promoted via download/install setups of browser hijacking applications. Browser hijackers make unauthorized changes to browsers and most have data tracking abilities. Note that also gathers information relating to users' browsing activity.

Spark Email Virus

What is "Spark Email Virus"?

Spark is the name of New Zealand's leading digital services company, however, some scammers use the name within their email scams to trick people into opening an attachment that installs malicious software called Emotet. Note, Spark has nothing to do with this scam and we strongly recommend that you ignore it and do not open the attached file. Redirect (Mac)

What is is a fake search engine, allegedly capable of providing enhanced search results and quick access to latest news sources. Judging on appearance alone, the site barely differs from legitimate search engines such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo.

Therefore, users frequently believe it to be a genuine and useful tool. In fact, developers promote through the News Flash browser hijacker, and possibly via other download/installation set-ups of similar rogue applications. These apps operate by modifying browsers without users' consent.

Additionally, and browser hijackers gather information relating to browsing activity. Ads

What is cohecenhetert[.]pro?

Like many others, cohecenhetert[.]pro is a rogue site. It is designed to force-feed users dubious content and generate redirects to untrustworthy, even malicious websites. Most visitors to cohecenhetert[.]pro, access it unintentionally. Typically, users get redirected by intrusive advertisements or PUAs (potentially unwanted applications).

It is worthy of noting, that these undesirable apps do not need express user permission to be installed onto their devices. Once successfully infiltrated, PUAs cause redirects, run intrusive advertisement campaigns and some can even track data.


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