Virus and Spyware Removal Guides, uninstall instructions

ISHTAR Ransomware

What is ISHTAR?

ISHTAR is a ransomware-type virus that encrypts files using asymmetric cryptography. This malware is designed to prepend the "ISHTAR-" string to the name of each encrypted file. For instance, "sample.jpg" becomes "ISHTAR-sample.jpg". Once files are successfully encrypted, ISHTAR creates a "README-ISHTAR.txt" file and places it on the desktop.

Versiegelt Ransomware

What is Versiegelt?

Versiegelt is a new variant of .Fun (Jigsaw) ransomware-type malware. Following infiltration, Versiegelt encrypts files using AES cryptography.

During encryption, this ransomware appends the ".versiegelt" extension to the name of each file. For example, "sample.jpg" becomes "sample.jpg.versiegelt". Following successful encryption, Versiegelt opens a pop-up window with a ransom-demand message.

Alcatraz Locker

What is Alcatraz Locker?

Alcatraz Locker is ransomware-type virus designed to encrypt files using AES-256 cryptography. During encryption, Alcatraz Locker appends the ".Alcatraz" extension to the name of each encrypted file. For instance, encrypted "sample.jpg" is renamed to "sample.jpg.Alcatraz".

Once files are encrypted, Alcatraz Locker creates an HTML file ("ransomed.html") and places it on the desktop. Redirect

What is is a fake Internet search engine identical to,,, and many others. Judging on appearance alone, may seem identical to Google, Yahoo, Bing and other legitimate Internet search engines.

Therefore, users often believe that is also legitimate. In fact, this rogue site gathers various information relating to users' Internet browsing activity. Furthermore, developers promote it via deceptive software download/installation set-ups that hijack web browsers and modify various options without consent. Redirect

What is is a fake Internet search engine similar to By falsely claiming to generate improved search results and providing quick access to various popular websites, attempts to give the impression of legitimacy.

In fact, developers promote this site via deceptive software download/installation tools that hijack web browsers and modify various options. In addition, monitors users' Internet browsing activity.

Ransomware 2.0 Virus

What is Ransomware 2.0?

Ransomware 2.0 is a virus that claims to be ransomware-type malware. It infiltrates the system, locks the screen, and states that the computer is ransomware and that files are encrypted. The screen-lock also contains a ransom-demand message.

Jack.pot Ransomware

What is Jack.pot?

Jack.pot is a ransomware-type virus designed to encrypt various files. During encryption, Jack.pot appends the ".coin" extension to the name of each encrypted file. For instance, "sample.jpg" is renamed to "sample.jpg.coin". Following successful encryption, Jack.pot locks the computer screen and displays a ransom-demand message.


What is ERROR_LOCAL_USER_BX06DE4897_MD9858?

ERROR_LOCAL_USER_BX06DE4897_MD9858 is an updated version of Windows Activation Pro scam that locks the screen and states that the Windows OS is not activated.

To remove the screen lock, victims must enter a valid Windows activation key. Be aware, however, that this is a scam - legitimate keys will not solve the problem. To receive help in solving this problem, victims are encouraged to contact 'Customer Service' via a telephone number provided (1-844-459-8882). Redirect

What is

Developers present as a legitimate Internet search engine that enhances the Internet browsing experience by generating improved search results. These claims often trick users into believing that is legitimate and useful.

In fact, developers promote this site via rogue software downloaders/installers used to modify Internet browser settings without users' consent. Furthermore, records various information relating to Internet browsing activity. Redirect

What is is a fake Internet search engine identical to,,, and many others. By falsely claiming to generate improved search results, attempts to give the impression of legitimate software.

In fact, this site is promoted using rogue download and/or installation set-ups that hijack web browsers and modify options without users' consent. In addition, continually monitors Internet browsing activity.


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