Virus and Spyware Removal Guides, uninstall instructions

What is DynA-Crypt?
DynA-Crypt is file-encryption ransomware developed using Dynamite Malware Creation Kit. Following infiltration, DynA-Crypt encrypts files using AES cryptography and appends filenames with the ".crypt" extension (for example, "sample.jpg" is renamed to "sample.jpg.crypt").
After successful encryption, DynA-Crypt opens a pop-up window. As well as file encryption, DynA-Crypt disables a number of operating system functions (for example, Firewall, Command Prompt, Task Manager, Control Panel, etc.), deletes certain apps, steals passwords stored within web browsers, and performs other malicious tasks (full list below).

What is SRCH?
SRCH is a deceptive application distributed via a fake Adobe Flash Player installation set-up. This app infiltrates systems without users' consent.
Once installed, SRCH delivers various intrusive online advertisements and tracks Internet browsing activity by gathering various user/system information. For these reasons, SRCH is categorized as adware and a potentially unwanted program (PUP).

What is is a fake Internet search engine identical to,,, and many others.
By offering improved search results, this site attempts to give the impression of legitimacy. In fact, records various data relating to Internet browsing activity. Furthermore, developers promote it using deceptive download/installation set-ups that modify web browser settings without users’ permission.

What is DUMB?
DUMB is a file-encryption virus built on an open-source ransomware project. Unlike other ransomware-type viruses, DUMB does not append an extension to the names of encrypted files following encryption. Following successful encryption, DUMB opens a pop-up window and creates a text file ("oku_beni.txt"), placing it in each folder containing encrypted files.
The pop-up and text file contain ransom-demand messages. Note also that there is another identical ransomware virus called "Ramsomeer", which is based on DUMB.

What is Netflix Login Generator?
Netflix Login Generator is a ransomware-type virus discovered by Karsten Hahn. This malware claims to allow users to create Netflix accounts free of charge, however, this is merely an attempt to trick users into running the app. In fact, Netflix Login Generator encrypts files using AES-256 cryptography.
During encryption, Netflix Login Generator appends filenames with the ".se" extension (for example, "sample.jpg" is renamed to "").
Netflix Login Generator then connects to a Command and Control (C&C) server and downloads a ransom-demand text file ("Instructions.txt") plus an image. The text file is placed on the desktop and the image is later set as the desktop wallpaper.

What is Zyka?
Zyka is a ransomware-type virus that stealthily infiltrates systems and encrypts files using the AES encryption algorithm. During encryption, Zyka appends filenames with the ".lock" extension. For example, "sample.jpg" is renamed to "sample.jpg.lock". A pop-up window containing a ransom-demand message is then displayed.

What is
Developers present as an improved Internet search engine that generates better search results and provides quick access to various popular websites.
On initial inspection, may appear legitimate and useful, however, developers promote it by employing deceptive download/installation set-ups (bundling method). In addition, continually gathers various data relating to users' Internet browsing activity.

What is 7zipper?
7zipper is a ransomware-type virus discovered by Michael Gillespie. Following infiltration, this malware compresses files using the 7zipper program and protects the ZIP file with a password. This behavior is uncommon to ransomware-type viruses, since most encrypt files using either symmetric or asymmetric cryptography.
In addition, this malware appends the names of encrypted files with the ".7zipper" extension (for example, "sample.jpg" is renamed to "sample.jpg.7zipper"). Following encryption, 7zipper creates a text file ("Saiba como recuperar seus arquivos.txt"), placing it in each folder containing the compromised files.

What is is presented as an improved Internet search engine that enhances the Internet browsing experience by generating better search results. Judging on appearance alone, coolsearch.information may seem similar to Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other legitimate search engines.
Therefore, many users believe that coolsearch.information is also legitimate and useful. In fact, this website gathers various data relating to web browsing activity. In addition, developers promote it by employing rogue download/installation set-ups.

What kind of malware is CryptoShield?
First discovered by a security researcher called Kafeine, CryptoShield is an updated version of CryptoMix ransomware. CryptoShield is distributed using Exploit Kits.
Following infiltration, this ransomware encrypts various data using RSA-2048 cryptography and appends the ".CRYPTOSHIELD.", ".CRYPTOSHIELD" or ".CRYPTOSHIEL" extension to the name of each file.
Following successful encryption, CryptoShield creates two files ("# RESTORING FILES #.HTML" and "# RESTORING FILES #.TXT"), placing them in each folder containing encrypted files.
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