Virus and Spyware Removal Guides, uninstall instructions Redirect

What is

While examining, we discovered that it is a fake search engine. Additionally, we found that is promoted via an extension that is designed to hijack a web browser. Users should avoid using (and the associated extension) to avoid potential issues.

Organizing A Foundation Email Scam

What is "Organizing A Foundation" email scam?

Our team has examined the email and concluded that it is a scam. The scammers behind this email aim to trick recipients into believing they can obtain a large sum of money in return for "cooperation". Their goal is to extract personal information and (or) money. Recipients should ignore such emails to avoid potential consequences.

OriginalParameter Adware (Mac)

What kind of application is OriginalParameter?

We have examined the OriginalParameter application and concluded that it operates as adware. While active, OriginalParameter generates intrusive advertisements. Also, this app might be designed to harvest various data. Users should avoid installing apps like OriginalParameter. Ads

What kind of page is lowmachampa[.]com?

Lowmachampa[.]com is a rogue page that promotes browser notification spam and redirects to different (likely unreliable/hazardous) websites. Our researchers discovered this webpage while investigating suspicious sites.

Most users access lowmachampa[.]com and websites akin to it through redirects generated by sites using rogue advertising networks.

CommonConsole Adware (Mac)

What kind of application is CommonConsole?

Our research team found the CommonConsole app while browsing new file submissions to the VirusTotal platform. Upon inspection, we learned that it is advertising-supported software (adware) belonging to the AdLoad malware family. CommonConsole generates revenue for its developers/publishers through advertising. Ads

What kind of page is gossipfeast[.]club?

Our researchers discovered the gossipfeast[.]club rogue page while browsing untrustworthy websites. When we examined this webpage, we found that it uses a fake CAPTCHA test to promote browser notification spam. Additionally, gossipfeast[.]club can redirect visitors to other (likely dubious/malicious) sites. Most users access these deceptive pages via redirects caused by websites utilizing rogue advertising networks. Redirect

What kind of website is is a fake search engine promoted by News-Tab. This browser extension modifies browser settings to endorse (through redirects) the site. Due to this behavior, this software is categorized as a browser hijacker. We discovered News-Tab while investigating suspicious websites.

Account Department Email Scam

What kind of email is "Account Department"?

Our inspection of the "Account Department" email revealed that it is spam. This phishing letter uses a "payment schedule document" lure to trick users into, most likely, disclosing their email log-in credentials.

Westside Auto Wholesale Email Scam

What is "Westside Auto Wholesale"?

We have inspected the email and learned that it is a scam email posing as a letter from Westside Auto Wholesale (a legitimate company selling used cars). The scammers utilize this email to trick recipients into revealing personal information. Such emails are classified as phishing emails.

Claim $HAM Scam

What is the fake "Claim $HAM" website?

Upon inspecting this "Claim $HAM" site, we determined that it is fake. This scam is presented as a giveaway distributing the Hamster Coin (HAM) cryptocurrency. Instead, this bogus airdrop operates as a cryptocurrency drainer. Victims of the "Claim $HAM" scheme experience financial loss.


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