Virus and Spyware Removal Guides, uninstall instructions POP-UP Redirect

What is is a rogue website designed to cause redirects to other dubious sites. It is virtually identical to,, and dozens of others. Research shows that many visitors arrive at this site inadvertently - they are redirected by potentially unwanted applications (PUAs) or intrusive ads displayed on other rogue sites.

Be aware that PUAs usually infiltrate systems without users' consent. As well as causing redirects, they deliver intrusive advertisements and gather information relating to web browsing activity. POP-UP Redirect

What is is a rogue site identical to,, and many others. This site redirects users to other dubious websites. Generally, users visit inadvertently - they are redirected by potentially unwanted applications (PUAs) or intrusive ads displayed on other rogue sites.

Research shows that potentially unwanted applications usually infiltrate systems without permission and, as well as causing redirects, deliver intrusive advertisements and gather sensitive data.

Santa ransomware

What is Santa?

Santa is a high risk virus categorized as ransomware and belonging to the Dharma family. Santa's purpose is to encrypt files stored on victims' computers, thus allowing ransomware developers to demand payments in return for decryption tools or keys. Santa generates a ransom demand pop-up window and a "FILES ENCRYPTED.txt" text file.

It also renames each encrypted file by adding the ".santa" extension, plus an email address and ID. For example, "1.jpg" might become "[].santa".

UNILEVER Email Virus

What is UNILEVER email virus?

"UNILEVER Email Virus" is categorized as a spam campaign. Scammers send email messages to hundreds (or even thousands) of people hoping that some will open the delivered attachment. There are many similar scams available, but this one is used to spread the LokiBot virus via the attachment. We strongly recommend that you ignore the message and do not open the attached file.

.shadow Ransomware

What kind of malware is .shadow?

.shadow is a computer infection categorized as ransomware and a new variant of the STOP ransomware virus. Like many other ransomware-type infections, .shadow is designed to encrypt data stored on victims computers and demand ransom payments.

All locked files are renamed by adding the ".shadow" extension. For example, "1.jpg" becomes "1.jpg.shadow". A ransom demand message is presented in a text file named "!readme.txt".

I Am A Spyware Software Developer Email Scam

What kind of scam is "I am a spyware software developer"?

The "I am a spyware software developer Email Scam" is a spam email campaign used to threaten people and to trick them into transferring Bitcoins. Generally, scammers claim that they have obtained compromising photos or videos of a person and threaten to proliferate the material if their demands are not met.

There are many email scam campaigns similar to this on the internet. If you have received the "I am a spyware software developer Email Scam" email (or similar), there is nothing to worry about. These email scams should never be trusted or taken seriously. POP-UP Redirect (Mac)

What is

There are many rogue websites online, including, a website designed to force visitors to open other untrustworthy sites. Generally, users arrive at this web page unintentionally - they are redirected by potentially unwanted applications (PUAs).

Furthermore, users often install these apps inadvertently. Once installed, PUAs feed users with intrusive ads and collect browsing-related (and other) information. POP-UP Redirect (Mac)

What is is a rogue website designed to deliver deceptive content. Most users do not visit this web page willingly - they are redirected by installed adware-type potentially unwanted applications (PUAs).

These apps usually infiltrate browsers (or computers) without users' knowledge. Typically, they deliver intrusive ads, monitor users' browsing habits, and record browsing-related data. POP-UP Redirect

What is is a rogue website (very similar to,,, and a number of others) designed to cause redirects to other dubious sites. Users often arrive at this site unintentionally, since potentially unwanted applications (PUAs) force redirects to it.

Furthermore, users often install PUAs accidentally or inadvertently. When installed, these apps feed users with intrusive advertisements and collect browsing-related (and other) data. Redirect

What is

As with most fake search engines, is promoted using a browser hijacker, in this case a potentially unwanted app (PUA) called StreamAll (updated variant is titled Stream All).

This application supposedly allows users to access the latest TV-related content directly from their web browsers, however, PUAs are often installed inadvertently. Furthermore, StreamAll changes browser settings and tracks browsing-related data.


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