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Ads by BitSaver

What is BitSaver?

BitSaver is a deceptive browser plug-in claiming to save time and money while shopping online. Some users may believe that this application is legitimate and useful, however, BitSaver is categorized as adware and a potentially unwanted program (PUP).

After infiltrating the Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox browsers without users' consent, BitSaver generates various online advertisements and collects Internet browsing-related information.

Ads by TheAdBlock

What is TheAdBlock?

TheAdBlock claims to be a legitimate app that blocks intrusive online advertisements - "Websites survive because of ads coming from private sponsors. Taking these ads down would be very impossible. Of course, it is at the expense of the visitors. If you hate seeing these ads popping all over the place, just use TheAdBlock. Your problem will be solved instantly."

Some users may believe that TheAdBlock is a legitimate and useful app, however, it is categorized as adware and a potentially unwanted program (PUP). After stealthily infiltrating Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox, TheAdBlock generates advertisements and monitors Internet browsing activity.

Extreme Blocker Adware

What is Extreme Blocker?

Extreme Blocker is a dubious browser plug-in that supposedly blocks online advertisements displayed on visited websites - "Using Extreme Blockerer, you can now go ahead and surf all you want. The ads will forever be invisible. Not even one will stop you from surfing freely."

At first glance, the features offered may seem legitimate and useful, however, the Extreme Blocker add-on is categorized as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and adware.  After Extreme Blocker successfully installs on Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox, it delivers intrusive online advertisements and gathering various user/system information.

Ads by BestSaveForYou

What is BestSaveForYou?

BestSaveForYou is a potentially unwanted browser extension claiming to save time and money while shopping online - "Don't waste time browsing through every online shopping site just to get the latest news on the hottest deals. Now you can just sit comfortably in your seats and just let the BestSaveForYou shopping browser add-on do it's magic."

These false promises are used to trick users into believing that apps such as BestSaveForYou are legitimate and useful.

In fact, this extension is categorized as adware. Once BestSaveForYou successfully infiltrates the Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox browsers, it delivers intrusive online advertisements and collects information relating to users' Internet browsing habits.

Vidzy Adware

What is Vidzy?

Vidzy Video Player is a deceptive application claiming to allow users to play YouTube videos in a separate window - "Vidzy is a personal YouTube video player that keeps playing the videos you like in a small window, no matter which web page you go to or how many tabs you open in your browser."

These false claims are attempts to trick users into believing that this functionality is legitimate and useful, however, Vidzy Video Player is adware and a potentially unwanted program (PUP), since it infiltrates systems without users' permission, delivers various intrusive ads, and gathers user/system information.

Super Browser Adware

What is Super Browser?

Super Browser is a deceptive, Chromium-based Internet browser claiming to provide users with the best Internet browsing experience.

While some users may believe that this application is legitimate, it is classed as adware and a potentially unwanted program (PUP). After stealthily infiltrating the system without users' consent, Super Browser displays intrusive online advertisements and collects various user/system information.

Ads by BrowsrApVs

What is BrowsrApVs?

Identical to Browser App, OpenXBrowser, Br0wsrAp, and a number of other browser plug-ins, BrowsrApVs is a deceptive browser extension claiming to save time and money while shopping online - "A free & friendly browser app.. That helps you save time & money on your online shopping. We'll help you find attractive offers while you browse your favorite store".

This functionality may seem legitimate and useful, however, BrowsrApVs is categorized as adware and potentially unwanted program (PUP). Following successful infiltration without users' consent, BrowsrApVs displays intrusive online advertisements and gathers various Internet browsing-related information. Redirect

What is

OIVU is a deceptive application claiming to be a legitimate image viewer - "OIVU is a fast, stable, user-friendly image viewer for pc, laptop, tablet and smartphone, a trademark of MUXING Technology."

On initial inspection, this functionality may seem useful, however, OIVU is a browser hijacking potentially unwanted program (PUP). After stealthily infiltrating the system, OIVU modifies Internet browser settings and tracks Internet browsing activity.

Free Games Zone Toolbar

What is Free Games Zone?

Free Games Zone is a deceptive browser toolbar that supposedly allows swift access to a wide range of addictive Flash games - "Install FreeGamesZone Add-on and access to all the best games in one click from your browser new tab."

These fake promises are used to trick users into believing that the toolbar is legitimate and useful. In fact, Free Games Zone is categorized as a browser hijacker and a potentially unwanted program (PUP), since it often installs without users' permission, stealthily modifies browser settings, and tracks Internet browsing activity.

MediaPlayVid Ads

What is MediaPlayVid?

MediaPlayVid is a dubious plug-in identical to MediaPlayerVid, MediaPlayerVids0, Media Player Enhance, and a number of other apps.

MediaPlayVid claims to improve the quality of online videos. On initial inspection, this add-on may seem legitimate and useful, however, it is classed as adware and a potentially unwanted program (PUP). After stealthily infiltrating Internet browsers, MediaPlayVid displays intrusive online advertisements and tracks Internet browsing activity.


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