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What kind of page is news-varaga[.]com?

News-varaga[.]com is the address of a rogue page discovered by our research team during a routine investigation of suspicious websites. Upon inspection, we determined that news-varaga[.]com endorses browser notification spam and redirects users to other (likely untrustworthy/malicious) sites.

Most visitors to news-varaga[.]com and similar pages access them via redirects caused by websites employing rogue advertising networks. Ads

What kind of page is news-tiresa[.]cc?

Our researchers found the news-tiresa[.]cc rogue webpage while inspecting suspicious sites. After analyzing it, we determined that this page promotes browser notification spam and redirects users to different (likely dubious or dangerous) websites.

Most visitors enter news-tiresa[.]cc and similar pages via redirects caused by sites that employ rogue advertising networks. Ads

What kind of page is networkchains-co[.]in?

Our research team discovered the[.]in rogue page while browsing dubious websites. After investigating this webpage, we determined that it endorses deceptive content and browser notification spam. Additionally, it can generate redirects to different (likely unreliable/malicious) sites.

The majority of visitors to networkchains-co[.]in and similar pages enter them via redirects caused by websites using rogue advertising networks. Alternatively, these webpages can be accessed through spam notifications, intrusive ads, misspelled URLs, or installed adware. Ads

What kind of page is news-jikunu[.]com?

News-jikunu[.]com is a rogue page that we discovered while investigating suspect websites. Our examination of this webpage uncovered that it promotes browser notification spam and redirects users to other (likely dubious/malicious) sites.

Users primarily enter news-jikunu[.]com and pages akin to it via redirects caused by websites employing rogue advertising networks. Ads

What kind of page is news-mevedo[.]com?

Our research team discovered news-mevedo[.]com while browsing suspicious websites. After investigating this rogue page, we determined that it promotes browser notification spam and redirects visitors to different (likely unreliable/dangerous) sites.

Users primarily enter webpages like news-mevedo[.]com via redirects generated by websites utilizing rogue advertising networks. Ads

What kind of page is news-henuma[.]com?

Our researchers discovered the news-henuma[.]com rogue webpage while investigating dubious sites. After reviewing this page, we learned that it promotes spam browser notifications and redirects users to other (likely dubious/malicious) websites. Most visitors enter webpages like news-henuma[.]com via redirects caused by sites using rogue advertising networks. Redirect

What kind of website is

The Find Browser Online website – – is a fake search engine. Sites of this kind are usually incapable of providing search results, but is an exception. However, its results are inaccurate and may include harmful content. Typically, illegitimate search engines are promoted (via redirects) by browser-hijacking software.

MegabyteExecute Adware (Mac)

What is MegabyteExecute?

We have tested MegabyteExecute and discovered that its purpose is to bombard users with annoying advertisements. Apps of this type are categorized as adware. Users rarely install them on purpose. This is because programs like MegabyteExecute are often promoted and distributed using deceptive methods.

ObsessionLandscape Adware (Mac)

What kind of application is ObsessionLandscape?

ObsessionLandscape is the name of a rogue application discovered by our research team during a routine inspection of new file submissions to the VirusTotal website. After examining this app, we determined that it is adware from the AdLoad malware family.

Advertising-supported software is designed to run intrusive advertisement campaigns, and it may possess other harmful capabilities.

Lord Bomani Ransomware

What kind of malware is Lord Bomani?

Lord Bomani is ransomware belonging to the GlobeImposter family. Our team discovered this ransomware while analyzing samples submitted to VirusTotal. In our examination, we found that Lord Bomani encrypts files, appends developer's email address (Bomani@Email.CoM) to filenames, and creates a ransom note ("Read Me!.hTa").

An example of how Lord Bomani renames files: it changes "1.jpg" to "1.jpg.[Bomani@Email.CoM]", "2.png" to "2.png.[Bomani@Email.CoM]", and so forth.


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