Virus and Spyware Removal Guides, uninstall instructions

Browser Opinion Survey POP-UP Scam

What is Browser Opinion Survey?

"Browser Opinion Survey" is a scam message that invites users to take an opportunity to win a prize. It is displayed by various rogue sites that users often visit inadvertently - they are redirected by potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) or intrusive advertisements generated by other rogue sites.

Research shows that PUPs regularly infiltrate systems without permission and, as well as causing redirects, deliver intrusive ads and gather sensitive information. POP-UP Redirect

What is is one of many rogue websites (including,, and that cause unwanted redirects to various other untrustworthy sites.

In most cases, users do not visit intentionally - they are redirected by potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) that are installed without users' consent. Furthermore, they deliver intrusive ads, record user-system information, and affect computer performance. POP-UP Redirect

What is is a rogue website, virtually identical to many others such as,,, etc.

These sites cause redirects to untrustworthy websites. Most users arrive at unintentionally - they are redirected by potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) that are installed inadvertently, cause redirects, deliver intrusive ads, collect information, and misuse system resources.

Expired Invoices Email Virus

What is Expired Invoices Email Virus?

"Expired Invoices Email Virus" is another spam email campaign that distributes the FormBook trojan. As usual, cyber criminals mail thousands of email messages encouraging users to open malicious attachments. This is a scam - the opened attachments immediately download and install FormBook.

Ads by My Web Shield

What is My Web Shield?

Identical to Content Defender and Content Protector, My Web Shield is a rogue application claiming to protect systems from malware. By delivering these fake promises, My Web Shield attempts to tricks users to install. Be aware, however, that this app is categorized as adware and a potentially unwanted program (PUP).

There are three main reasons for these negative associations: 1) stealth installation without users' consent; 2) display of intrusive online advertisements, and; 3) tracking of users' Internet browsing activity.

Kimetrak Adware

What is Kimetrak?

Kimetrak is a deceptive application that supposedly helps users to analyze which websites, add-ons, and services are tracking their web browsing activity.

This app might seem legitimate and useful, however, Kimetrak is categorized as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and adware. There are three main reasons for these negative associations: 1) infiltration without users' consent; 2) display of intrusive advertisements, and; 3) tracking of web browsing activity. POP-UP Redirect

What is

As with,,, and many more, is a rogue website designed to redirect its visitors to other potentially malicious and untrustworthy sites.

Most users visit inadvertently - potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) are responsible for redirects to it. PUPs deliver intrusive ads, gather information, and misuse computer resources.

Xerox Printer Email Virus

What is Xerox Printer Email Virus?

"Xerox Printer Email Virus" is another spam email campaign that distributes the TrickBot trojan. As usual, developers send thousands of emails encouraging users to open attached files. In this case, the message claims that users have received a document from Xerox (a manufacturer of printers). Once opened, the malicious attachment infects the system with the TrickBot trojan. POP-UP Redirect

What is

Like many rogue websites (such as,,, etc.), causes redirects to various other untrustworthy sites.

Users generally visit unintentionally - they are redirected to it by potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) that are installed inadvertently. In addition to redirects, PUPs deliver intrusive ads, collect data, and misuse system resources. POP-UP Redirect

What is is a rogue website that is virtually identical to,,, and many others. It redirects visitors to other untrustworthy websites.

Users generally arrive at this website inadvertently - in most cases they are redirected to it by potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) that are installed inadvertently, cause redirects, reduce computer performance, collect information, and deliver intrusive ads.


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