Virus and Spyware Removal Guides, uninstall instructions POP-UP Redirect

What is is a rogue website virtually identical to,,, and many others. These sites redirect visitors to other dubious/untrustworthy websites. As a rule, most visitors do not visit willingly - potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) cause redirects to it.

PUPs often are installed without users' consent (or inadvertently) and cause unwanted redirects, deliver intrusive ads, and misuse computer resources. POP-UP Redirect

What is is one of many rogue websites (similar to,,, etc.) This site causes redirects to other untrustworthy websites.

In most cases, users arrive at unintentionally - they are redirected by potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) that are also installed inadvertently. PUPs cause these redirects, deliver intrusive ads, misuse system resources, and collect information.

Discord Trojan Virus

What is Discord Trojan?

Discord is a legitimate Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) application that targets gaming communities. It provides users with text, video, and audio communications. Cyber criminals proliferate a trojan by presenting it as a Discord hacking tool. Therefore, dishonest users who want to steal other people's accounts can end up infecting their own systems.

JPMorgan Chase Email Virus

What is JPMorgan Chase Email Virus?

"JPMorgan Chase Email Virus" is a spam email campaign identical to Bank of America Email Virus and Wells Fargo Email Virus. This campaign is used to proliferate trojan-type malware called Emotet.

As with the aforementioned spam campaigns, "JPMorgan Chase Email Virus" emails contain a message stating that a transaction is complete and encourages users to read the attached Microsoft Word document (.doc) for detailed information. This is a scam - the opened file immediately downloads and installs Emotet on the system.

Phishing/Spyware Were Found On Your Mac POP-UP Scam (Mac)

What is "Phishing/Spyware Were Found On Your Mac"?

"Phishing/Spyware Were Found On Your Mac" is a fake error message similar to "You Mac May Be Infected By A Virus!", "Critical System Error: x679Qs5m", and many others.

It is delivered by various rogue websites that users often visit inadvertently - they are redirected by potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) or intrusive ads generated by other rogue sites. Research shows that many PUPs infiltrate systems without users' consent. As well as causing redirects, they deliver intrusive advertisements and gather sensitive information

Wells Fargo Email Virus

What is Wells Fargo Email Virus?

"Wells Fargo Email Virus" is another spam email campaign similar to DocuSign Email Virus, Job Application Email Virus, and many others.

Cyber criminals use this campaign to proliferate high-risk malware called Emotet. Developers send thousands of deceptive email messages that encourage users to open an attached MS Word document. Be aware, however, that this document downloads and installs Emotet.

Bank Of America Email Virus

What is Bank Of America Email Virus?

"Bank Of America Email Virus" is another spam email campaign that proliferates the Emotet trojan. Developers send thousands of emails claiming that users' money transactions are delayed and asking them to confirm transactions in attached MS Word documents. This is a scam - the opened documents infect systems with the Emotet trojan.

Your Registration Key Is Blocked POP-UP Scam

What is Your Registration Key Is Blocked?

"Your Registration Key Is Blocked" is a fake error message displayed by a number of rogue sites. Research shows that users typically visit these sites inadvertently - they are redirected by potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) or intrusive ads delivered by other rogue sites.

PUPs often infiltrate systems without users’ permission, deliver intrusive ads, and gather various sensitive information.

Spy.Delf Trojan Virus

What kind of malware is Spy.Delf Trojan?

Spy.Delf is a high-risk trojan designed to infiltrate the system and record sensitive information. Research shows that some variants of this malware are distributed using a fake Adobe Acrobat Reader installer.

Note, however, that trojan-type viruses are often distributed using spam email campaigns that proliferate malicious attachments (in most cases, MS Office documents) that stealthily download and install malware into the system. POP-UP Redirect

What is is a rogue website virtually identical to,,, and many others. Sites of this type redirect visitors to other untrustworthy websites.

In most cases, users visit unintentionally - potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) cause redirects to it. Similarly, PUPs are often installed inadvertently. They deliver intrusive ads, gather information, and misuse system resources.


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