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PowerWare Ransomware [Updated]

What is PowerWare?

PowerWare is a ransomware-type malware that encrypts various files. This ransomware is distributed via emails that contains a malicious Word document with an embedded macro. When users opens this document, the aforementioned macro runs automatically.

Malicious files are then downloaded and automatically execute to encrypt stored data. Once the data is encrypted, a ransom is demanded from the victims. Redirect

What is

Identical to,, and a number of other bogus websites, is a fake Internet search engine claiming to improve the Internet browsing experience by generating the most relevant search results.

These false claims often trick users into believing that is a legitimate site. In fact, it is promoted using browser-hijacking software 'installers'. Furthermore, records various information relating to users' Internet browsing activity.

Snail Translate Adware

What is Snail Translate?

Snail Translate is a potentially unwanted program (PUP) that claims to provide text translation functionality - "Snail Translate is free translation software that offers language translation between forty languages." Initially, this application may seem legitimate, however, Snail Translate usually infiltrates systems without users’ permission.

In addition, this PUP generates intrusive online advertisements and continually monitors browsing activity. For these reasons, Snail Translate is classed as adware.

Salam! Ransomware

What is Salam!?

Salam! is a ransomware-type malware that infiltrates computers and encrypts various file types. During encryption, Salam! creates CRYPTOSO.KEY and WHATHAPPENEDTOYOURFILES.txt files in each folder containing encrypted files. Encrypted files are given .keyz extension.

The text file contains a message stating that users' data has been encrypted and can only be restored with a specific decrypter. To receive this decrypter, users must pay a ransom. Redirect

What is is a fake Internet search engine identical to,,, and a number of other dubious sites. Initially, may seem legitimate, since its appearance is almost identical to Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other search websites.

In fact, developers promote using dubious software 'installers' that hijack Internet browsers. Furthermore, this fake Internet search engine continually gathers various data related to users' Internet browsing activity.

Ads by Steel Cut

What is Steel Cut?

Steel Cut is a potentially unwanted program (PUP) created by SuperWeb LLC. This application claims to improve the Internet browsing experience by enabling coupons, comparison shopping, and other similar features. This functionality may seem legitimate and useful, however, Steel Cut is considered to be adware.

The developers of Steel Cut employ a deceptive software marketing method called 'bundling' (stealth installation of additional programs with the chosen software) to install this PUP on Internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox) without users' permission.

Following successful infiltration, Steel Cut generates intrusive online ads such as banner, search, interstitial, transitional, and pop-up ads. These may lead to high-risk adware or malware infections. Redirect

What is is a dubious URL that redirects users to various false Internet search engines. The appearance of these sites may seem legitimate, since they are similar to Google, Bing, and other legitimate websites, however, is promoted using deceptive software 'installers' that hijack Internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox). In addition, these rogue Internet search engines track users' web browsing activity.

Converton Ransomware

What is Converton?

Converton is ransomware-type malware that stealthily hijacks computers and encrypts various files. This ransomware employs the AES-256 encryption algorithm with an RSA-2048 key.

Thus, two keys (public and private) are generated during encryption. Converton ransomware also adds .converton, .enigma or .czvxce extension to each compromised file. Furthermore, this ransomware creates a !!!-WARNING-!!!.html file on victims' desktops. This file contains all details regarding the encryption.

.Cryptohasyou Ransomware

What is .Cryptohasyou?

.Cryptohasyou is ransomware that encrypts various files stored on the infiltrated system including .exe, .com, .bin, .dat, .sys, any .dmp, .information. .key, .pdb, .bat,. ps1, .vb, .ws, .wsd, .cpl,. reg, .dll,. ini, .msi, .pfx, .sct and .wsc. To achieve this, .Cryptohasyou uses the AES-256 algorithm with an RSA-2048 key.

Thus, private and public keys are generated during encryption. .cryptohasyou also creates a YOUR_FILES_ARE_LOCKED.txt file in each folder containing the compromised files. Note that this ransomware adds a .enc extension to all encrypted files and, therefore, it is straightforward to identify them. Redirect

What is

The HoistSearch browser application is developed by Hoist Media. This browser app can be downloaded from its homepage, however, it is often 'bundled' with free software downloaded from the Internet. At time of research, this potentially unwanted application was also bundled with fake downloads such as Java, Flash, and browser updates.

Bundling is a commonly-used and deceptive software marketing method. When installed, this toolbar assigns the browser homepage and default Internet search engine settings to This website is not related to malware or virus infections, however, the creators of this toolbar have full control over the software, and therefore, are capable of redirecting users to malicious websites at any time.


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