Internet threat news

Trojan Leverages Pinterest to Communicate with C&C Servers

Security analysts from Trend Micro Lab discovered a banking Trojan last month that was specifically targeting South Korean banks. While this may not appear to be especially newsworthy at first glance, a recent discovery about this class of banking Trojans is of much greater concern. Rather than communicate with C&C servers using conventional encryption protocols to avoid detection, TPSY_Banker.YYSI (as it has been dubbed by Trend Micro) uses Pinterest to communicate with C&C servers.

SoakSoak Malware Compromises Over 100,000 WordPress Websites

Security Researchers recently discovered yet another threat to websites running a popular content management system (CMS), WordPress. This threat, which has been dubbed SoakSoak, is the latest malware threat specifically designed to target websites operating the CMS and has already resulted in over 11,000 domains being blacklisted by Google. WordPress has become extremely popular and can be found on the backend of nearly 60 million websites worldwide (meaning approximately 1 in every 6 websites run the CMS) so it’s no wonder hackers have started targeted the infrastructure more regularly in the last few months.


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