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Search Monkeys Adware

What is Search Monkeys?

Search Monkeys developers declare that this application provides users with top online shopping and coupon deals on one simple page. Judging on appearance alone, this may seem to be a legitimate and useful app, however, it is often installed inadvertently.

Therefore, Search Monkeys is categorized as potentially unwanted application (PUA) adware-type application. These apps are typically installed unintentionally, deliver ads, and gather data.

OnlineFormFinder Toolbar

What is

OnlineFormFinder developers (Mindspark Interactive Network) promote this application as a useful tool that allows users to find various free printable forms (tax, healthcare, travel immigration, etc.) directly from their web browsers.

This application may seem useful, however, it is known to be a deceptive app and is categorized as a potentially unwanted application (PUA) and a browser hijacker. This app is often installed inadvertently and is designed to provide supposedly 'useful tools'. It also promotes a dubious search engine.

StorageCrypt Ransomware

What is StorageCrypter?

StorageCrypter is high-risk ransomware discovered by Michael Gillespie. After successfully infiltrating the system, StorageCrypter encrypts most files, thereby making them unusable. During encryption, this malware adds the ".locked" appendix to the name of each compromised file.

For instance, "sample.jpg" is renamed to "sample.jpg.locked". Following successful encryption, StorageCrypter generates a text file ("read_me_for_recover_your_files.txt") and places a copy in all existing folders.

Chromium Virus (Mac)

What is Chromium?

Chromium is a legitimate open-source web browser developed by the Google corporation. Its appearance barely differs from the Google Chrome browser and cyber criminals take advantage of this. They modify the original Chromium source code and proliferate rogue variants.

Therefore, since Chromium is very similar to Google Chrome, many users do not even notice that they are using Chromium rather than Google Chrome. Using rogue variants, cyber criminals gather information, deliver intrusive ads, and perform other malicious actions.

In this article, we describe a  rogue Chromium variant that contains a malicious pre-installed plug-in with a rather generic name, "Management". This extension is capable of performing a number of malicious actions.

Your System Data Has Been Compromized POP-UP Scam

What is Your System Data Has Been Compromized?

"Your System Data Has Been Compromized" is another fake error message similar to Window's Security Certificate Is Expired, Updates Are Needed To Patch New Security Flaws, and many others. This pop-up is delivered by deceptive websites.

Users generally visit these sites inadvertently - they are redirected by potentially unwanted applications (PUAs) or intrusive advertisements displayed on other rogue sites. Research shows that unwanted apps typically infiltrate systems without permission.

As well as causing redirects, they are also designed to gather sensitive information and deploy intrusive advertisements. POP-UP Redirect

What is is one of many rogue websites similar or identical to, for example,,, and The website is designed to redirect visitors to other potentially malicious/untrustworthy sites.

Most visitors arrive at unintentionally - potentially unwanted applications (PUAs) cause these redirects. PUAs infiltrate systems without users' knowledge, record user-system information, and deliver intrusive ads. POP-UP Redirect

What is

Identical or very similar to,, and many more, is a rogue website that redirects visitors to other untrustworthy sites. Generally, users arrive at inadvertently - they are redirected to it by potentially unwanted applications (PUAs) that are typically installed inadvertently, deliver advertisements, and gather data. POP-UP Redirect

What is

Like many other websites of this type (including,,, etc.), is a rogue site designed to cause redirects to other untrustworthy websites.

Most users visit inadvertently - they are redirected to it by potentially unwanted applications (PUAs), that are installed inadvertently or without users' consent. Most PUAs also deliver intrusive ads and collect data. POP-UP Redirect

What is is one of many rogue websites available (including,,, etc.) that redirect visitors to other untrustworthy and potentially malicious sites.

Most visitors arrive at unintentionally - they are forced to visit it by potentially unwanted applications (PUAs) that are installed without users' permission, or they are redirected inadvertently. Most PUAs share similarities: they cause unwanted redirects, deliver intrusive ads, and collect information.

SpeedyCar Adware

What is SpeedyCar?

SpeedyCar is a rogue application presented as a car racing game. Initially, SpeedyCar may seem legitimate and useful, however, this app is likely to infiltrate systems without users' consent. Furthermore, it delivers intrusive advertisements, mines cryptocurrency, and records sensitive information.

For these reasons, SpeedyCar is categorized as a potentially unwanted application (PUA), adware, and a cryptominer.


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