Virus and Spyware Removal Guides, uninstall instructions

AppSection Adware (Mac)

What kind of application is AppSection?

Our research team discovered AppSection while browsing new submissions to the VirusTotal website. After investigating this piece of software, we learned that it is adware belonging to the AdLoad malware family. AppSection is designed to feed users with undesirable and potentially dangerous ads. Ads

What kind of page is theaddsllc[.]club?

While inspecting suspect websites, our researchers found theaddsllc[.]club rogue page. It operates by tricking visitors into allowing browser notification delivery. Aside from pushing spam notifications through deception, theaddsllc[.]club can generate redirects to different (likely dubious/malicious) sites.

The majority of users access theaddsllc[.]club and similar webpages through redirects caused by websites that employ rogue advertising networks.

Email Delivery Notification Portal Email Scam

What kind of email is "Email Delivery Notification Portal"?

Our inspection of "Email Delivery Notification Portal" revealed that it is spam. This scam letter informs the recipient that multiple emails were withheld due to being considered "unknown".

Supposedly, these imaginary messages can be reviewed, and by attempting to do so – recipients are deceived into providing their log-in credentials to a phishing site.

InitialInfo Adware (Mac)

What kind of application is InitialInfo?

InitialInfo is a rogue app discovered during a routine investigation of file submissions to the VirusTotal site. Upon examination, we determined that it is adware. InitialInfo is part of the AdLoad malware family. Advertising-supported software is designed to generate revenue for its developers through advertising.

Financial Statements Has Been Shared With You Email Scam

What kind of email is "Financial Statements Has Been Shared With You"?

After analyzing the "Financial Statements Has Been Shared With You" email, we determined that it is spam. This letter aims to trick recipients into providing their email log-in credentials to a phishing website by claiming that it is necessary in order to access a financial statement. Victims of this spam campaign risk having their email accounts stolen. Redirect

What kind of website is is the address of a fake search engine promoted by the Telix Search browser hijacker. Software within this category modifies browser settings to endorse (via redirects) the website. Redirect

What kind of website is is the address of a fake search engine. Websites within this classification cannot provide search results and redirect to legitimate Internet search engines.

Sites of this kind are commonly promoted by browser hijackers. Our research team discovered while investigating the Telix Search browser hijacker.

UpgradeSample Adware (Mac)

What kind of application is UpgradeSample?

Our research team found UpgradeSample while investigating file submissions to the VirusTotal site. Upon examination, we learned that this app is adware belonging to the AdLoad malware family. Advertising-supported software is designed to run intrusive advertisement campaigns.

OriginalAssist Adware (Mac)

What is OriginalAssist?

Our analysis of the OriginalAssist app has revealed that it operates as adware. While active, it generates intrusive advertisements and may have additional functionalities. Users should avoid installing apps like OriginalAssist, as installing them can lead to various issues.

Noxious Stealer

What kind of malware is Noxious?

Noxious is the name of a malicious program. It operates by extracting and exfiltrating information from infected devices. Noxious stealer primarily targets data associated with the Discord messaging platform.


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