Virus and Spyware Removal Guides, uninstall instructions

One Browser Search Browser Hijacker

What kind of software is One Browser Search?

One Browser Search is a rogue browser extension. This software alters browser settings to endorse (through redirects) the fake search engine. Due to this behavior, One Browser Search is considered to be a browser hijacker.

BeaverTail Malware (Mac)

What kind of malware is BeaverTail?

BeaverTail is an information stealer targeting macOS users. Cybercriminals distribute it via a fake website hosting an application mimicking a legitimate service. In addition to stealing information, BeaverTail downloads additional malware that operates as a backdoor. Thus, BeaverTail should be removed from infected systems immediately to avoid potential consequences.

Noodle RAT

What kind of malware is Noodle?

Noodle (also known as Nood, ANGRYREBEL) is a RAT (Remote Access Trojan) with backdoor abilities. RATs enable remote access/control over infected machines. Backdoor malware is typically used in the initial infection process as a system prep tool or a program for infiltrating additional malicious software into devices.

The earliest variants of Noodle RAT were discovered in 2016 and have suffered many misidentifications. There have been multiple versions of this trojan. Additionally, Noodle has Windows and Linux targeting variants. Several Chinese-speaking threat actors have used this RAT. Noodle activity centers in Asia, including India, Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan, and Thailand.

NullBulge Ransomware

What kind of malware is NullBulge?

NullBulge is ransomware based on LockBit. Cybercriminals behind NullBulge have been observed targeting AI and gaming entities. In addition to encrypting files, NullBulge appends a random extension to filenames, changes the desktop wallpaper, and creates a ransom note ("[extension].README.txt").

An example of how NullBulge renames files: it changes "1.jpg" to "1.jpg.7V7uPExzv", "2.png" to "2.png.7V7uPExzv", and so forth. The appended extension is likely to be different on different infected computers.

ExploreBuffer Adware (Mac)

What kind of application is ExploreBuffer?

ExploreBuffer is a rogue application classed as adware. Our researchers discovered it while browsing new file submissions to the VirusTotal platform. This app is part of the AdLoad malware family. ExploreBuffer is designed to generate revenue for its developers through advertising.

Labour Ransomware

What kind of malware is Labour?

Labour is ransomware that our team has discovered during an examination of malware samples uploaded to the VirusTotal platform. Labour encrypts files and appends the ".labour" extension to filenames (e.g., it renames "1.jpg" to "1.jpg.labour", "2.png" to "2.png.labour", and so forth). It also provides a ransom note ("README.txt"). Ads

What kind of page is iodides[.]org?

While inspecting iodides[.]org, we found it to be a deceptive web page. Once on iodides[.]org, visitors are presented with misleading content. The creators of iodides[.]org aim to trick visitors into agreeing to receive notifications from their page. Iodides[.]org and similar websites should be avoided. Ads

What kind of page is upfurretan[.]com?

We have inspected upfurretan[.]com and discovered that this is an untrustworthy website. The purpose of upfurretan[.]com is to lure visitors into consenting to receive notifications from it. Additionally, upfurretan[.]com can redirect visitors to other dubious web pages. Thus, users should avoid visiting upfurretan[.]com. Redirect

What kind of website is is a fraudulent search engine. Typically, websites of this kind cannot provide search results and redirect to legitimate search engines. is no exception. Users may begin experiencing redirects to these fake webpages when a browser hijacker is installed on their device. Redirect

What kind of website is is a fake search engine that provides inaccurate search results, which may include harmful content. Typically, sites of this kind are promoted (through redirects) by browser-hijacking software. Additionally, illegitimate search engines gather information about their visitors.


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