
Politie Nederland Virus

Also Known As: Politie Nederland Ransomware
Damage level: Severe

What is Politie Nederland?

The Politie Nederland message is a ransomware security infection developed by Cyber criminals that blocks computer users' screens. Criminals responsible for this scam hope that unsuspecting PC users from the Netherlands will fall for the trickery within the message and pay a bogus fine of 100 Euros.

The deceptive message states that the computer user has committed serious law violations and thus is required to pay the fine. The Netherlands Police has no connection with this message. In fact, neither the Netherlands Police, nor any other authorities, use screen lockers to collect fines for law infringements.

Politie Nederland virus

This message is a scam and computer users should not pay any fines. If you do, you will lose your money and your PC will remain locked. This particular ransomware infection is derived from the Reveton family and targeted at PC users predominantly from the Netherlands.

Ransomware infections from this family, however, are localized (translated into different countries), and therefore, PC users from different countries receive deceptive messages in their native language.

Furthermore, the header of the deceptive messages employs graphics of local authorities. The Politie Nederland message, which blocks users' desktops, is a clear indication of a ransomware infection - do not trust this message or pay any fines.

A variant of this ransomware virus:

Politie Nederland ransomware virus

A variant of this ransomware virus, Nederlandse Politie "De computer is vergrendeld internetaanbieder", originates from a family called Revoyem (DirtyDecrypt). At time of writing, no known tools are available to decrypt the files encrypted by this ransomware virus.

Nederlandse Politie

Ransomware virus from Kovter family:

Politie virus

Update 2015/02/05 - Cyber criminals have updated the design of Politie ransomware virus:

netherlands politie ransomware virus reveton 2015

The cyber criminals responsible for releasing this scam use the Ukash and paysafecard prepaid cards to collect the fake fines. This makes it virtually impossible to track their criminal activity. Ransomware infections from Reveton family are distributed using Trojans and malicious websites.

Avoid these infections by installing legitimate antivirus and anti-spyware programs. If your PC is already locked with such a message, use the removal guide provided to eliminate this scam from your computer.

Ukash (Smart Voucher Limited) is a legitimate company and not related to ransomware viruses - cyber criminals use this service to extort money from unsuspecting PC users.

A fake message displayed by the Politie Nederland virus:

Politie Nederland.
Eenheid Voor De Bestrijding Cybercrime.
Ihr Computer Wurde gesperrt!
Uw PC is geblokkeerd omwille van de vastgestelde onwettige cyberactiviteiten. Hieronder vindt u de lijst met inbreuken op de Nederlandse wetgeving, waarvan één door u gepleegd is: Artikel 274 - Auteursrechten Geldboete ofwe gevangenisstraf van ten hoogste 4 jaar (Het gebruik en de verspreiding van bestanden, beschermd met auteursrecht - filmen, software) Artikel 183 - De productie van pornografie Geldboete ofwe. gevangenisstraf van ten hoogste 2 jaar Ine: gebruik en de verspreiding van pornografische bestanden) Artikel 184 - De productie van kinderpornografie (met kinderen onder 18 jaar) Gevangen,sstraf van ten hoogste 13 jaar (Het gebru kende  verspreiding van pornografische bestanden: Artikel 104 - De verspreiding van terroristische propaganda Gevangenisstraf van ten hoogste 25 jaar (u heeft websites van terroristische groepen bezocht( Artikel 297- Nalatig gebruik van computer, waardoor de ernstige schade voor derden ontstaan is. Geldboete ofwe gevangenisstraf van ten hoogste 2 jaar. (Uw PC is besmet met een virus, die veel andere computers beschadigd heeft) Artikel 108 - Hazardspel Geldboete ofive gevangenisstraf van ten hoogste 2 jaar. (IJ heeft aan het hazardspel deelgenomen, hoewel conform de wetgev:ng van uw land de hazardspellen verboden zijn) Conform de verordening d.d 22 augustus kunnen a le deze inbreuken geen strafrechtelijke vervo'ging tot gevolg hebben, wanneer de geldboete rechnijdig betaald wordt. De geldboete bedraagt 100 euro. De betaling dient binnen 48 uur na de ingebrekestelling geschieden. Als de geldboete niet rechnijdig betaald is, zult u naar aanleiding van deze feiten strafrechtelijk vervolgd worden.
Na betaling von de geldboete wordt de blokkering van uw computer opgeheven.

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Quick menu:

Politie Nederland virus removal:

Step 1

Start your computer in Safe Mode. Click Start, click Shut Down, click Restart, click OK. During your computer starting process press the F8 key on your keyboard multiple times until you see the Windows Advanced Option menu, then select Safe Mode with Networking from the list.


Video showing how to start Windows 7 in "Safe Mode with Networking":

Step 2

Log in to the account infected with the Politie Nederland scam. Start your Internet browser and download a legitimate anti-spyware program. Update the anti-spyware software and start a full system scan. Remove all the entries detected.

After completing these steps your computer should be clean. Reboot your computer in Normal Mode.

Alternative Politie Nederland scam removal guide:

If this ransomware blocks your screen when you start your computer in Safe Mode with Networking, try starting your PC in Safe Mode with Command Prompt.

Video showing how to remove ransomware virus using "Safe Mode with Command Prompt" and "System Restore":

1. During your computer starting process, press the F8 key on your keyboard multiple times until the Windows Advanced Options menu appears, and then select Safe Mode with Command Prompt from the list and press ENTER.

Boot your computer in Safe Mode with Command Prompt

2. When Command Prompt Mode loads, enter the following line: cd restore and press ENTER.

system restore using command prompt type cd restore

3. Next, type this line: rstrui.exe and press ENTER.

system restore using command prompt rstrui.exe

4. In the opened window, click "Next".

restore system files and settings

5. Select one of the available restore points and click "Next" (this will restore your computer system to an earlier time and date, prior to the ransomware infiltrating your PC).

select a restore point

6. In the opened window, click "Yes".

run system restore

7. After restoring your computer to a previous date, download and scan your PC with recommended malware removal software to eliminate any remnants of The Politie Nederland virus.

Other methods which can be used to eliminate this ransomware infection from your PC:

Remove Politie Nederland virus using a Rescue Disk.

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About the author:

Tomas Meskauskas

Tomas Meskauskas - expert security researcher, professional malware analyst.

I am passionate about computer security and technology. I have an experience of over 10 years working in various companies related to computer technical issue solving and Internet security. I have been working as an author and editor for pcrisk.com since 2010. Follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn to stay informed about the latest online security threats. Contact Tomas Meskauskas.

PCrisk security portal is brought by a company RCS LT. Joined forces of security researchers help educate computer users about the latest online security threats. More information about the company RCS LT.

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Removal Instructions in other languages
Malware activity

Global malware activity level today:

Medium threat activity

Increased attack rate of infections detected within the last 24 hours.

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